Shipping & Delivery

All orders are processed within 1-2 business days.

US Orders: Shipped domestically, delivery takes 2-4 business days.

UK Orders: Shipped locally from our London warehouse, delivery takes 2-4 business days.

Germany Orders: Shipped locally from our Berlin warehouse, delivery takes 2-4 business days.

International Orders: Shipped from our warehouse in London, delivery takes 6-10 business days.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email or SMS containing your shipping information and tracking number.

Shipping FAQs

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal. Payments are processed at the time of order; cash on delivery (COD) is not accepted.

Processing and shipping times generally take 1-2 business days, excluding federal holidays.

Urgent orders can be expedited; please contact us for further information.

For security reasons, billing information must match that of the credit card used for payment. Orders cannot be processed if there are discrepancies in numbers or shipping details. Avoid using abbreviations unless they match your statement.

All orders are processed and shipped from Monday to Friday, including federal holidays.

Tracking Information

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipment confirmation email that includes shipment details and a tracking number. For additional shipping and tracking inquiries, please contact us at

If you require assistance, please feel free to contact us 24/7.

Contact Us

Give Us a Call:

Europe: +44 20 3984 7994

America, Asia, Africa: +1 315 277 4969

Or Click Here to eMail Us